I strongly disagree, there’s a great variation in the stock/bond ratio in various target date funds, and these funds typically are only stock and bond portfolios, which obviously do not protect against inflation shocks or stagflation. The idea of an auto rebalancing portfolio is certainly advisable for small investors, but they’re much better choices than target date funds. Several low cost brokerage firms, particular, Schwab, offer various portfolios that auto rebalance, and for a small fee one can utilize a financial advisor to assist in transition of the portfolio as the investor approaches and exceeds retirement age. Uilizing a target date fund as part of a small investors investment program is certainly reasonable as a safety net or core position, however, as long as the investor, and advisor if appropriate, are aware of the stock/bond ratio in the target date fund.

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When you mentioned a disciplined, rebalancing strategy, does that mean small investors like myself in retirement should stick with the same portfolio without regard to inflation stresses?

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I cannot give personal advice on this newsletter, but generally speaking, I believe, almost all investors are better off putting their retirement savings in a low cost target date retirement fund that matches their retirement date. Trying to navigate macroeconomic events is nearly impossible for the most skilled investors, and in my opinion, it should never be attempted by individual investors.

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I strongly disagree, there’s a great variation in the stock/bond ratio in various target date funds, and these funds typically are only stock and bond portfolios, which obviously do not protect against inflation shocks or stagflation. The idea of an auto rebalancing portfolio is certainly advisable for small investors, but they’re much better choices than target date funds. Several low cost brokerage firms, particular, Schwab, offer various portfolios that auto rebalance, and for a small fee one can utilize a financial advisor to assist in transition of the portfolio as the investor approaches and exceeds retirement age. Uilizing a target date fund as part of a small investors investment program is certainly reasonable as a safety net or core position, however, as long as the investor, and advisor if appropriate, are aware of the stock/bond ratio in the target date fund.

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